Jolivet rehearses with both Jacques Toja and Jean Piat the musical part of their roles in the Barbier de Séville by Beaumarchais.
Arms up, Jolivet gathers the musicians together to give them power and strength.
Did Jolivet hear the delicate nuances that he was expecting from the orchestra?
Jolivet conducting for a long-playing recording. He takes advantage of the pause to give explanations and suits the action to the word.
In 1956, during a rehearsal of La Vérité de Jeanne in front of Joan of Arc’s house in Domrémy.
In Dresden, spending an evening at a friend’s house, Jolivet shows how after a concert, one can relax and smile.
In Japan, visiting a temple with a priest.
In 1966, standing by the poster of the concert Jolivet will conduct in Moscow with the soloists: Véra Doulova, the harpist and Alexandre Korneev, the flutist.
Conducting a group of percussionists playing Cérémonial, a work composed as a homage to Varèse.